The business plan is the foundation of your investor package. However, most entrepreneurs are too busy with other priorities – such as developing products, finding customers, and recruiting a team – to prepare a compelling business plan.
Since 2010, we have helped more than 2,000 entrepreneurs develop business plans that helped to raise over $4.3 million in funding. Most of our consultants have hands-on experience starting and growing their own businesses.
Let us help you.
A business plan consultant is somebody who will help you refine your ideas and strategies, and mold them into a viable business.
We challenge your assumptions, fill gaps in your thinking, do lots of independent research and analysis, and help formulate business models, tactics, and strategies.
We help crystalize your long-term competitive differentiation, identify target markets, and plan for business scalability.
And then we help you express it in a compelling package – whether it’s a business plan, pitch deck, financial forecast, Business Model Canvas, elevator pitch, or executive summary – that is most appropriate for your specific situation and target audience.